

The un-conference sessions are an opportunity to broaden the agenda and deepen the discussions. While participants go through the formally programmed agenda, there are bound to be questions raised as well as additional dimensions emerging in the mydata discourse. Using a self-organisation framework, the un-conference sessions are the perfect opportunity to have additional discussions in response to emergent thinking. Anyone can pitch a session, whoever shows up is the right people, and whatever happens is the right thing.

Public sector MyData: Plans and visions from Finland

This session will be held in Finnish - apologies to our guests from other countries. Suomessa julkinen sektori on osoittanut tukea MyData-periaatteille ja useita kokeiluja on vireillä jotta olennaisia henkilötietojen varantoja saisi avattua lähestymistavan mukaisesti. Miltä MyData oikeastaan näyttää kun kyse on julkishallinnon keräämästä tiedosta? Ja miltä julkiset palvelut sekä valtiovallan rooli näyttäisi tulevaisuudessa, jos ihmisten pääsy heitä koskevaan tietoon helpottuu?

Digital Health Revolution

Welcome to join discussion about development and challenges of person centric preventive healthcare and its data management models, in terms of business and services, technology, and regulation. You will also learn about health data management models in other Nordic countries in MyData Health – Nordic Whitepaper workshop.

Smart Health, Personal Data and Blockchain

What is the true impact of healthcare? How could we do better? Do people get healthy? How could a single person make the best use of their own health data? These are the grounding questions of our workshop. We will hear short inspirational pitches on ideas to design smart healthcare, and then start ideating on our own solution.

Citizens in the Data Economy

In a “consumer Republic”, a society which has consumption at its heart, the citizen cannot be untied from the consumer. Is this data consumer also a data producer ? Will he or her gain in power or is it on the opposite a regression in terms of autonomy, citizens becoming sensors contributing to the IA of huge Chinese and American platforms? Current frameworks for data governance focus on the individual: data ownership and control, individual rights and protection from individual harms. Where is the protection for groups? What change in perspective is necessary to address big data’s collective implications? And what would this mean for the law?
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