Michele Nati

Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust, Digital Catapult

Michele Nati

Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust, Digital Catapult
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Dr. Michele Nati is Lead Technologist for Personal Data and Trust working on a number of projects and initiatives to make the personal data sharing and the creation of new personalised services possible. He’s exploring the legal, technical and commercial challenges to create a personal data ecosystem, controlled by the users with privacy and trust. He liaises with SMEs, Universities and corporates to explore the different technologies and identify the required collaborations and interventions. On a technology side he focuses on digital identity, context- aware consent, auditability, blockchain and other decentralized technologies to achieve transparency and (democratic) trust. He’s currently working on the introduction of a standardized Personal Data Receipt and corresponding provisioning and handling framework, to increase transparency, track personal data sharing transactions and provide General Data Protection Regulation compliance in particular for SMEs adoption.

Before joining DIGICAT, Michele matured over 10 years of research and development in Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things in Academia and SMEs. He was Senior Research Fellow at ICS, University of Surrey, where it was Principal Investigator (PI) for the EU FP7 Project on Internet of Things, SocIoTal (http://sociotal.eu) and Co-Investigator IoT-Lab (http://www.iotlab.eu), working on privacy issues in mobile phone sensing and crowdsourcing area.

All session by Michele Nati